I actually liked Beastars…

So, this has been a common discussion in the anime world because at first sight one may think that; yes, Beastars is for furries. It took me a while to actually start watching the anime/animation because I’m not a fan of anthropomorphic animals but I heard so much good about the story and characters and when I had a cold and could only stay in bed anyway I decided to give the anime a try and boy, am I glad that I did! Honestly, I still prefer the manga because the drawings give the story a nice vibe but once again, it’s thanks to the show on Netflix that I heard about this in the first place.

The animation

I did not like the style of animation at all which was the main reason (beside the feared furry content) for me not to watch the show at first but the characters are very well portrayed, the scenery is absolutely beautiful and the overall concept is amazig. The atmosphere can vary from cheery to horrific and the story is both exciting and touching. The species are divided into two categories; herbivores and carnivores but they all live together in harmony. But not everything is as it seems when we learn that the carnivores have opressed instincts that endanger herbivores and make them feel unsafe. Especially, after a herbivore has been murdered and eatenby a carnivore. The herbivores on the other hand are seen as weak and could fall victim to the carnivores at any time. The balance is off and we get introduced to one of biggest conflicts in this world.

Surprise Legosi GIF - Surprise Legosi Beastars GIFs

the characters

Beastars took both the best and worst of the human- and animal world and managed to create characters that are both relatable and repelling. At some point I almost forgot that they are all animal-characters because they seem more human than animal. Or maybe humans are more animal than we sometimes ralize. Legosi is a protagonist that you truly come to love and are rooting for throughout the storyline. He is a gray wolf who is socially awkward and tends to stay in the background but when he meets Haru, a white dwarf rabbit he begins to develop feelings toward her. What makes this protagonist so great is that he is neither the flawless hero of the story, nor the big bad wolf who changes into a big softie because of love and affection for a girl-rabbit. Legosi has always been quiet and caring but also discovers a side of him that seems to be more dark and predatory when confronted with primal instincts. I absolutely love his design in the manga because he looks so dorky and lovable!

Legosi’s character page in the manga

the relationships

The relationships between the different characters are engaging and lead to great character development. For example, we quickly learn that Haru is being bullied and engages with many other male animals to feel less worthless and less unequal. Legosi has his few close friends but most of the other animals fear and avoid him because of his scary ‘nature’. Then there is Louis, a deer who is very popular and well liked but seems to struggle because as a herbivore he’s seen as inferior to the predators. Legosi and Louis represent different attributes of opposing species and sometimes their personalities clash. While Louis is a leader and the very serious type (attributes we would most likely associate with carnivores). Legosi on the other hand seems to be insecure and shy and acts more like a herbivore might. They are also both involved with Haru. The relationship between Haru and Legosi is interesting to follow because it entails more than just romance, jealousy and insecurities that humans might experience but also puts focus on the issue of them being not only different species but also natural enemies since wolfs obviously hunt and eat rabbits. I thought that the premise of their dynamic was very refreshing and emotionally enveloping.

Beastars Op GIF - Beastars Op Legosi GIFs

I’m usually not really fond of anthropomorphic characters and like I mentioned before, the animation was not really for me but I can still appreciate the very good story and characters that are very well written. The opening of the show, I think is really great and I never found myself able to skip it. It’s in stop-motion and the music is awesome! I’d love to see the rest of the story animated and maybe turned into a different art style but all in all, this was a good show and a very emotional manga. By the way, I watched the show in Japanese so I can’t comment on the English voice acting but for the Japanese version I can say that I thought it was really good and suited the characters.

I originally wanted to post this a lot sooner but then life got in the way and I didn’t write as much as I planned. If you want a more detailed and way better review of Beastars you should check out Saberspark’s video.


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