Drawing Waifus

Yes, I do not only read manga and watch anime but I’m even worse! I actually draw a lot of anime characters, especially kawaii girls (cringe). I thought, I’d share some of my drawings with you, just for fun.

These designs weren’t necessarily done by me but I did the new concept art and own them, hehe. When I used to do digital drawings I liked using thicker lines for the outline and then softer ones for the structure but I’m not sure I like it anymore.

The character belongs to Kimo-Chi and I remember loving her character designs a lot, so I drew her character Soda. My coloring was / is very lazy and I definitely need to work on that. I do like the flat pastel colors though! Over the years, I’ve noticed that I like drawing other people’s characters a bit more than creating my own because the art works tend to turn out better than those of my own characters. I also think that my own designs aren’t polished yet and I need more details to make my characters more unique. I’m not saying that every character design has to be special and different but I wish I’d be able to execute my ideas better. That’s why I like drawing the characters of others because it’s not only good for practice but it also helps me improve my own designs. I feel like I should watch more tutorials on how to color digital drawings but I also need to study so we’ll see about that. As you can see, I enjoy drawing female characters a lot more than drawing male characters but that’s mainly because I’m bad at drawing male features. I want to practice that more too but I’ll start doing that on paper first. What I like most about drawing female characters is that I can draw cute hairstyles and nice outfits. Of course, that’s possible for male characters as well if you have the talent to draw them properly. When you try creating your own characters you also get a feeling for how difficult it is to design a good protagonist or even supportive characters. How do you make them look interesting without overdoing it? There’s so much to think about when creating characters and their story so when I tried to do this myself and I realized how difficult it actually is I came to respect people who manage to create such characters even more. After I finish my studies I want to try and do more illustrations and maybe I’ll be able to work with other creators on their stories and character designs.

This is a character by Ygos and I remember loving that character’s white hair so much that again I just had to draw her. It’s one of my older drawings when I used thicker lines and even sloppier coloring (ah!) Personally, I love white haired and albino characters and draw them a lot.

Drawing and designing your own characters is a lot of fun and the more you do it the better you get. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this silly little post and maybe I’m going to share some of my work in the future. Thank you for reading!


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