

I’m Patsie Kat and I’ve been interested in manga and anime since I was very young. Back then, anime, manga and Japanese culture weren’t as popular among my friends and since I was born and raised in Europe both manga and anime weren’t really available as much as they are now. For the Longest  time I have been unsure and Self-conscious for liking things like anime and manga simply because they weren’t as many people who seemed to be invested in it as there are now. This could also be because I was raised in an European country where back then Japanese products weren’t as popular as they are now. Also I just didn’t have the friends who enjoyed anime as much. I was very young myself so I think my taste in manga and anime wasn’t really that great either but that’s because when you’re younger you are attracted to other topics such as action and fighting. Also school was the main focus of the anime that I liked. The same goes for the manga I’ve read because I was at school myself and so I could relate to the whole setting more. Obviously obscure, weird shows weren’t as popular for me as well because as a child  I didn’t understand them. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that though! 

Our taste can change and vary overtime. I also didn’t buy the whole series but sometimes just the chapter 2 or five or something random like that because I focus more on the covers not on the artwork and not the story. But that was also because when you were younger you don’t have that much money and I didn’t get that much from my parents obviously because I was a kid and the only things that I used to buy were candy and stupid stuff the children like. Basically, I would consider myself someone who used to casually watch anime but became someone who just got more experience simply because I continued watching anime and reading manga. That doesn’t make me an expert though. Also I am interested in Japanese culture but that  doesn’t necessarily correlate with my interest in anime and manga. Not every Japanese person likes anime and manga and not every person who likes anime and manga is interested in Japanese culture and they don’t have to be. Our taste can change and vary overtime. When I started reading manga I didn’t buy the whole series but sometimes just the second volume or fith volume or something (random) like that because I used to focus more on the cover art and not the artwork or story. But that was also because when you were younger you don’t have that much money and I didn’t get that much from my parents obviously because I was a kid and the only things that I used to buy were candy and stupid stuff the children like. Still, I am no expert on things like anime or manga and I don’t like people who think that they know what’s right and what isn’t just because they like a series doesn’t mean that everyone has to like it and the same goes for me. Just because I like or don’t like something that doesn’t mean other people have to feel the same way about it. This is something that I want to make very clear!

Basically, I would consider myself someone who used to casually watch anime but became someone who just got more experience simply because I continued watching anime and reading manga. That doesn’t make me an expert though. Also I am interested in Japanese culture but that  doesn’t necessarily correlate with my interest in anime and manga. Not every Japanese person likes anime and manga and not every person who likes anime and manga is interested in Japanese culture and they don’t have to be. There is nothing wrong with liking anime and manga but there’s also nothing wrong with people who just casually watch it and don’t like everything about it. That being said, this blog is for discussing and casually chatting about anime and manga. Feel free to voice your opinions as long as you’re being respectful I’d love to hear what you have to say.

Anime, Manga, Illustrations & more


Essays & Analysis

Basically, just over analyzing fictional characters, anime and manga.


I do some reviews on anime, manga and individual characters

Illustrations & prints

I just recently picked up doing digital art and prints. I mainly draw waifus, not gonna lie!


I’m on instagram now @PatsieKat but I honestly don’t do much there.

Guest Authors

Pandeera (@ninachvrlotte)

Nina is a guest author based in Berlin. She has her own blog where she writes about different lifestyle topics. She also does illustrations and character designs as a freelancer.